aaačeeehiiiIknooprsštuuuwxa ahtakoowaaV to play akaánuʾN house akAhpaátuʾN tipi akanaanataáʾuʾN earthlodge anV to eat aparuʾN fruit apáruʾN strawberry aparuʾ tičiRAhpAhaaʾAt?.PH The strawberries are red. áposN apple ápos čiísuʾN apple juice apostaánuxN peach arikV to stand aruhtADJ soft askAtADJ up above at náN mother (my) at nátšN grandchild (my) atíkaʾN grandmother (my) atináN My mother atinásN girlʾs brother atípaʾN grandfather (my) atíštItADJ good atíštlt tatuúʾUt.PH I am fine/good. atíštlt, tičé wekuNAxuúʾUt?PH Good, and how are you? átitN beans atítatN boyʾs sister Page 1 of 21 2 >