MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Arikara to English


waapIsškatáʾuʾN policeman
waarúxtiʾN thunder
waawaapIsúxuʾN lightning
waaWlhtikV to talk
waáʾuʾN hill
wáhN elk
wah koxtooteeRItPH Good bye.
wah šuxkaaʾiíšAt!PH Go home now! (if at the end of school day.
WAhúruʾN owl
WAhúruʾ weteéʾaPH An owl comes flying.
WAhúxN squash
wahUxanaáxuʾN watermelon
wahUxtAhkatáN orange
wahUxtAhkatá čiísuʾN orange juice
wahUxtareeʾúxN cucumber
wakaraaNIhuunADJ loud
waraáʾuʾN forest
wáRUxN rabbit
WAxkúsuʾN cottonwood
WAxtásN mountain lion
wetAxkoosšteéRAt!PH Thank you!.
wetikoowiRItčeʾPH I am hot
wetIsakuunawiriʾPH It is a nice day.
wetiʾúV He/she gives
wetuhnaánuʾPH That is all.

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