MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Arikara


Wait! WIštéh! PH Wait! .
wake up čirikaʾaanitk V to wake up, to get up
want ka nakaáNAsšoʾ panaáni?. PH Do you want a banana?
warm awiriit ADJ hot
water tstoóxuʾ N water
watermelon wahUxanaáxuʾ N watermelon
wear tiRAxkAxiíʾ PH He/she wears ____.
wears tiRAhkAxii V to wear
weasel čitútaʾ N weasel
weather tiiháʾA N good weather (Clear)
weep tičíkAt V He/she cries
west skaweéraaʾuʾ ADV west
wet čipaan ADJ wet
What color is it? tiče noʾ naawiíšuʾ. PH What color is it?
What color is the banana? tiče no naawiíšuʾ panaani?. PH What color is the banana?
What is this? tičé noʾ. PH What is this?
What is your name? tičé kunaaxAxaáʾA. PH What is your name?
What time is it? tičé weniitaʾuúkUt. PH What time is it?
wheelbarrow kaxtawirá N wheelbarrow
white tičiišawataáʾA. PH it is white
white man sahNIštaaká N whiteman
White Shield kutat niinaka NAhtAsuutaaka. PH I live in White Shield.
white-tail deer taapáhAt N deer white-tail
who čiíRA, tače noʾ?. PH Hello, who are you?
Who are you? tače noʾ?. PH Who are you?
wild horse xoosánax N wild horse
wild plums niWAharít N wild plums
wind hutuúnu' N wind
window naanookaʾaateérikUx. N window
winter psíʾuʾ N winter
woman sápat N woman
woods waraáʾuʾ N forest