MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Arikara


T.V. awiraaNIswatákUx N television
table haakAxtáwa N tablehaakAxtáwa. N desk
take raʾat V to take
take off clothes rooʾaahn V to take off (clothes)
talk tiwaaWIhtít V He/she talkswaaWlhtik V to talk
talk about something raataraʾoo V to talk about something
Talk in Arikara! šuxwaákoʾ saNIšíniʾ! PH Talk in Arikara!.
tea nakaraákuʾ N tea
teacher niiniitAhnaaʾiitaWIhú N teacher
teeth aánuʾ N teeth
telephone haaxtawiíšUx N telephone
television awiraaNIswatákUx N television
temples čištuuwihíniʾ N temple, temples
ten nooxíniʾ NUM tennooxíniʾ tAtpsíʾa. PH I am ten years old.tatuuteéRIt nooxíni natšičitunuuwaáWI PH I see ten animals.
thank you! wetAxkoosšteéRAt! PH Thank you!.
that nuunaroósl tíʾIt ADJ that
That is all. wetuhnaánuʾ PH That is all.
The banana is yellow. panaani tiraaNUstAhkataʾA. PH The banana is yellow.
The prairie dog went to school. áxkUs wetiʾAt niinaakaáWI piirataápoʾIš PH The prairie dog went to school.
The strawberries are red. aparuʾ tičiRAhpAhaaʾAt?. PH The strawberries are red.
These are fruits. t naroósI tiʾIt aparuʾ. PH These are fruits.
thigh huuNAhčiišíniʾ N thigh
thin Rahčiiš ADJ skinny
thirsty ka nahAstaahíš? PH Are you thirsty?tahAstaahíš. PH You are thirsty.tihAstaahíš PH He/she is thirsty.tikuhAstaahíš. PH I am thirsty
this t naakUx tiʾ ADJ thističé noʾ. PH What is this?
This is a book. t naakUx tiʾ naawinaaʾiíwat. PH This is a book.
This is a boy. t naaričI wiináxt. PH This is a boy.
This is a girl. t inaaričI suúnatš. PH This is a girl.
those are t naroósI tíʾIt PH those are
three áxkU, pítkUx, táWit, čiitíʾIš PH One! Two! Three! Four!tatuuteéRIt táWIt natšičitunuuwaáWI PH I see three animals.táWIt NUM three
three books táWIt naawinaaʾiíwat. PH three books
thunder waarúxtiʾ N thunder
time tičé weniitaʾuúkUt. PH What time is it?
tipi akAhpaátuʾ N tipi
to the left kUxIhaáhniniʾ ADJ to the left
to the right wihkaʾuuxiniʾ ADJ to the right
toe Axčiísuʾ ~ xčiísuʾ N toe
tomato páhAt N tomato
Tomatoes are red. pahAt tičiRAhpAhaaʾAt?. PH Tomatoes are red.
tongue haatuʾ N tongue
towel skareeríkUx N towel
town ituúnuʾ N town
toy car kataroopiʾš N toy car
toys takoówas. N toys
train hatuhwaapisíšuʾ N train
tree čiškaraní titakaáhAt nahaaʾpI PH A ground squirrel climbs down a tree.haak N tree
tree leaf sčeekaraakuʾ N tree leaf
turkey núʾ N turkey
turkey vulture sUxáweʾ N vulture
turnips WIsuúkaʾ N turnips
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