MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Arikara


turtle niwót N turtleniwót wetIhuuseeriitiku naaʾa PH A turtle comes swimming.
twelve nooxíniʾ na pítkUx NUM twelve
twelve o'clock nooxíniʾ na pítkUx wetitaʾuúkUt. PH twelve oʾclock
two áxkU, pítkUx, táWit, čiitíʾIš PH One! Two! Three! Four!pítkUx NUM twotatuuteéRIt pítkUx natšičitunuuwaáWI PH I see two animals.
two cups pítkUx koosaríkA. PH two cups
two scisssors pítkUx taráhUx. PH two scissors
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